Five Questions with Kerry E. Wagner
Monday, August 06, 2007

By eSpire writer Kisha Green
In the literary world there are numerous obstacles one has to overcome if he or she intends to be a success. Often times enough, authors do not get their just due and will sometimes release a book and because of bad marketing (or no marketing) these books, as well as the authors, go unknown. Well, for author Kerry E. Wagner, failure was not an option. He came through the literary doors demanding R-E-S-P-E-C-T. While some backed away from this man for his "in your face" persona; at the end of the day, Kerry has the mentality of “if it don’t make cents then it won't make dollars!"
KG: Kerry, give the readers a little background on who you are.
KW: I'm just your regular ole' Joe with hopes, dreams and aspirations like anybody else. Nothing more, nothing less and I guess I am partial to grounded people as such. Not bothering anybody, not out to hurt anyone. Just trying to master my mistakes fast enough, so that eventually they will become lessons. Keeping my options open, maximizing some opportunities if possible and making sense out of nothing so that I don't get too discouraged. A simple cat that some want to make complicated. Those are the ones who don't understand dedication. Kerry Wagner is just a bad boy trying to not do well, just better. I am very approachable if you are genuine. I am ABSOLUTELY NOT APPROACHABLE when you are condescending. I'm going to strip you of that bulls*** so we're on aa even playin' field potna...ERRY'TIME..
KG: When did you decide that you could actually write a book?
KW: I didn’t; somebody else did. I was writing as a form of therapy after being incarcerated. A good friend of mine, Willie D of the Ghetto Boys, picked me up when I was released. We were hanging out and I let him hear a few chapters, He was blown away apparently after knowing me all that time and not knowing of this gift. I initially was against the whole idea. I have this thing about trying to be accepted amongst peers who don't want to accept you. It's a total turn off for me and even more waste of time and energy. Not something I would suggest to anyone. But he insisted that I do it my way...with my voice and uniqueness. He exclaimed, "NO ONE TALKS THE WAY YOU DO MAN!...Write how you talk , you move people "Wag." Willie is not typically impressed by too much of anything, so for him to exude that type of energy behind and express backing it. He sort of was the catalyst behind it. I basically experimented with the idea. That's why it says "Limited Edition in the top right corner." Having the presence of mind to test market it first turned out to be one of the better strategy moves we did. Now I know exactly what to give them; along with giving them a piece of me to set myself apart from the rest. I love and am more proud of the fact that even amongst avid readers, the one thing they will say about my style is, "It has its own voice, nothing out there like it." That is a bigger compliment than it is a good book to me. Only one Kerry and the hard part about it is, I know it can't be duplicated. What you are getting from me has my personality and character all over it. You are going to know me in a way you were not prepared to when I'm through with you.
KG: Describe your writing life, what is a typical day like for you?
KW: Well as you know, I am self published. So I work for me completely. When you have books, it's like you have your job. When you don't have the books, it's like you lost it. So it is very important for me to have more books than I can sell out this round. I ran out a lot with the Limited Edition version of "She Did That." I rather be the guy out there hustling books, making a full profit than messing around online making a little one. Less drama also, online is the breeding grounds for drama. You have to know how to let that roll right off. Otherwise it will consume you to a negative. I love the sport of hustling my own books, creating my own destiny, fulfilling my fantasies and desires as oppose to just day dreaming about it. It makes me feel alive; the art of the deal is bliss to me. I was built for this part of the game. This is where I make my mark. NO ONE is going to out work me...I won't allow it. I am not a fan of thinking about it. I DO IT! The completion, the set backs, the obstacles and the bounce back all play a major part in my confidence level right now. I don't care to ask for any help in the game. I came prepared this time. When I run out of gas in my car along the way of this journey, I got my motorcycle ready and gassed up. When my motorcycle runs out of gas, I got my bicycle ready. When that tire goes flat, I got my skate board on stand by. When that breaks in half, I got my tennis shoes laced up. When I done wore a hole in them, I got some knee pads ready...I'll crawl. And when I can't crawl no more, you know I am dead. I'm going where I'm going, because I'm willing to die trying. Can you match that? I ain't asking nobody for near breath to hang around here any longer than I'm suppose to be. I am quite comfortable with making due with the time God is, has and will allow me. I ain't making no excuses...I'm just gonna get it done and anybody around me will have to understand that attitude if they don't happen to have it. You better get it, ain't anything halfway about me!
KG: So there is a lot of buzz about your debut novel She Did That why do you think that was?
KW: Because of my resourcefulness, because I learned from my mistakes in the rap game and applied and turned it into a lesson in the literary game. Having the presence of mind again to understand the psyche of the consumer, understand characteristics of humans and especially females...applying that. TARGETING MY AUDIENCE was and is deliberate and the key to any successful anything. You have a product is one thing, knowing when and where the audience is for it is PARAMOUNT. I didn't have Christians in mind when I wrote this book. So I don't hang out outside of churches trying to sell the book ya know? I know where my audience is and I have learned to make the necessary adjustments for that audience that is just outside of my demographics. Can't alter too much, you will loose it that way. Got to stay in the confines and of what will definitely work for you and not against you. At least deal in the PROBABILITY...never the possibility when dealing in business. 50/50 is never good odds to operate under trust me. 75/100 is better. Ain't it? Just look at it. But that 100/100 is what I strive for. I'm gonna make that deal every f***ing time without hesitation. Like I said, an offer you can't refuse and I also apply that when offering a consumer. You gonna see the benefit to that purchase when I'm done with your a**. Gonna be hard not to buy that book from me. It’s hard to not buy this. You glued to this interview, captivated, mesmerized and it's even better in person. I'm a hard act to follow...and where this takes practice for someone comes natural to me. I'm built for this...simple as that. Yet I don't mind sharing the info or resources I have with anyone. Don't have to be intimidated by anyone or anything. There's only one me and I'm being that where as everyone else is trying to be someone else. THERE IS ONLY ONE OF YOU TOO! Do that to the fullest and find a few people who are interested and the rest will gravitate towards that. Like-mindedness is as like-mindedness does...promise!
KG: Tell us about your novel She Did That.
KW: She Did That is basically a love story. It is a classic relationship drama filled with pearls of wisdom in the form of riddles to keep the reader engaged and interested. It's not an erotic story. Some of the chapters required some intense visualization and that to some readers seemed to overtake the whole story line (lol) It’s a book about life, love and responsibility, pain, tragedy, and triumph. You wanna know what men think as oppose to what we say, it’s in there. You wanna believe that a situation and circumstance don't control any and's in there ...and WE all love to say what we will and will not go through or will not do. YOU A LIE...and I can prove it and I dare you to take the challenge...It's all in the there. No way around these characters, now most of us try to disassociate ourselves from them...unless they were and or are someone we care about GENUINELY. He might not have been your boyfriend, but he was your sisters. He was your brother, uncle, nephew and most undeniably if you are blessed to have more than one. He will be YOUR day if he hasn't been already. I will find the compassion in your soul and rob you of it with this read. You might be cold initially, but you will bleed, by the end, a warm, caring, compassionate, human, thick, rich hillbilly blood before it's over with. All by design.
Readers can reach Kerry E Wagner by sending an email or visiting one of his websites: or
To order your copy of She Did That, go to:
Interview by Kisha Green. To learn more about Kisha, visit her website:
commented by

Kerry E. Wagner is a definite force to be reckoned with. Mr. Wagner, Ms. Kisha Green and others are hosting the WAGFEST '07. I know the conference is going to be a great success. This is a chance for the self-published authors to come together and gain knowledge about the literary industry. Green writers are being taken advantage of, and this conference is going to give that heads up to what's really GOIN ON. So, the authors can be true to the GAME and not NEW TO THE GAME...
I want to thank you for posting this interview with Kerry E. Wagner done by Ms. Kisha Green. There is so much buzz going around about this MAN...Being the author of "She Did That" to his controversial blogs to now the amazing literary event taking place this fall on the eastcoast....WAGFEST...people are starting to take notice of this man!
commented by 2:53 PM
"She Did That" is a story with GRIT. The characters jump off the page and into the room with you. It is a must read.
I have more respect for this author, after reading this inteview. His dedication and determination is amazing.
I would not miss my opportunity to see this man in person.
The 1st Annual
Self Published Authors Literary Conference
When: October 26-28, 2007
Woodbridge Holiday Inn Hotel and Suites
Woodbridge, New Jersey
Self published authors join us for a networking extravaganza
Just bring your books, a smile and handle your literary business!
Here is what to expect:
An opportunity to set up display table and sell books at no charge
Meet other authors, editors and book lovers (readers)
Discounted hotel rates reserved just for you
Contact a Event Coordinator for booking details
Reserve your table and room now
As space is limited
If you can not attend contact one of the event coordinators for information regarding having your book or business promotional materials made available to attendees.
Email us-
Event Coordinators:
Angela Davis
Kisha Green
I have more respect for this author, after reading this inteview. His dedication and determination is amazing.
I would not miss my opportunity to see this man in person.
The 1st Annual
Self Published Authors Literary Conference
When: October 26-28, 2007
Woodbridge Holiday Inn Hotel and Suites
Woodbridge, New Jersey
Self published authors join us for a networking extravaganza
Just bring your books, a smile and handle your literary business!
Here is what to expect:
An opportunity to set up display table and sell books at no charge
Meet other authors, editors and book lovers (readers)
Discounted hotel rates reserved just for you
Contact a Event Coordinator for booking details
Reserve your table and room now
As space is limited
If you can not attend contact one of the event coordinators for information regarding having your book or business promotional materials made available to attendees.
Email us-
Event Coordinators:
Angela Davis
Kisha Green
Thanks all for stopping by. Kerry deserves the accolades. He gets his grind on and isn't afraid to help other up & coming writers. Be on the lookout for part II of the interview.